The interfaculty PhD program Buddhist Studies at the LMU is aimed at postgraduates from the fields of cultural studies, religious studies and social sciences. In interdepartmental and research-oriented courses, the philological, religious studies and cultural studies expertise of the participating disciplines (Indology and Tibetology, Japanology, Religious studies and Sinology) are brought together in a structured degree course. This, together with intensive mentoring and evaluation by a team of supervisors, should ensure an increase in the quality of the PhD and a high level of academic qualification.
For more detailed information please see the Leitlinien des Promotionsprogramms Buddhismus-Studien (Guidelines of the PhD Program Buddhist Studies) (dated 27.05.2009, pdf format, 32 KB).
Please be aware that at this point the largest part of our courses are taught in German language. A certain fluency in German is therefore a prerequisite for program admission.
Structure of the degree
The PhD program Buddhist Studies is designed to take three years. On the basis of the Promotionsordnung Dr.phil. und Dr.rer.pol. der LMU (the doctoral degree regulations of the LMU), the program concludes with the internationally recognized academic degree of a “Doctor of Philosophy” (Doctor philosophicae, Dr. phil., PhD) . The following list gives an overview of the range of courses on offer broken down by academic year.
First year
• Lecture series
• Research seminar
• Colloquia
• Workshops to acquire key skills in the fields of knowledge transfer and academic management
• Supplementary courses and language courses
Second year
• Colloquia
• Active participation in a symposium
• Workshop
• Teaching practice
Third year
• Colloquia
• Active or passive participation in a symposium
The precise course of the studies as well as the scope and the nature of the supplementary courses and language courses are regulated by work plans and timetables (so-called “target agreements”). During the course of their studies the doctoral students meet with their team of supervisors every six months. In these meetings timetables are drawn up and discussed, work reports and draft chapters are handed in and feedback is given on them.