VII конференция МРО
Разместил: Ivar Maksutov   Дата: 15-05-2009 00:27
Московское Религиоведческое Общество
на Философском факультете МГУ имени М.В.Ломоносова

15-16 МАЯ, 2009

“The third millennium began with remarkable manifestations of religion in the public European scene. While many scholars in the twentieth century had linked the process of modernization with an inevitable secularization that would take place in the western world, and particularly in Europe, on account of recent developments they have had to qualify their assumptions and to reassess their interpretational tools. Some have called the very concept of ‘secularization’ into question, others now argue for a dissection of the concept into independent developments, which have taken place in different regions of Europe, in different ways and at different speeds.” (Hans G. Kippenberg and Kocku von Stuckrad, Europe and Religion, JRE 1 (2008) 1–2)

В обозримом будущем роль религии в Европе все более и более будет определяться нарастающим напряжением между традиционными иудео-христианскими силами, все более популярными секуляристскими движениями и постоянным притоком населения из мусульманских стран. Такая ситуация для Европы может стать причиной наиболее значимых проблем в социальной и политической сферах на протяжении всего XX века.

В задачах этой конференции: изучение роли религии в Европе сегодня, а также характера изменений и трансформаций, которые произойдут с религией в будущем, то, как религия в настоящем формирует будущее и как реалии настоящего влияют на религию. Конференция откроется специальной секцией, где состоится презентация выпуска (2/2010) JRE (Journal of Religion in Europe) , посвященного Православию в постсоветской России. В рамках двухдневной конференции запланированы многочисленные презентации и разноплановые секции.

ДЛЯ УЧАСТИЯ В КОНФЕРЕНЦИИ: необходимо прислать заявку (ФИО, место работы/учебы, уч. звание/должность, контактная информация) и аннотацию доклада (не более 250 слов) на английском или русском языке до 15 марта 2009 года ответственной за конференции МРО Анне Юдкиной [a.b.yudkina @].


Moscow Society for the Study of Religions
Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow State University

MAY 15-16, 2009

“The third millennium began with remarkable manifestations of religion in the public European scene. While many scholars in the twentieth century had linked the process of modernization with an inevitable secularization that would take place in the western world, and particularly in Europe, on account of recent developments they have had to qualify their assumptions and to reassess their interpretational tools. Some have called the very concept of ‘secularization’ into question, others now argue for a dissection of the concept into independent developments, which have taken place in different regions of Europe, in different ways and at different speeds.” (Hans G. Kippenberg and Kocku von Stuckrad, Europe and Religion, JRE 1 (2008) 1–2)

For the foreseeable future, the role of religion in Europe will be increasingly determined by the heightened debates between traditional Judeo-Christian forces, the increasingly popular secularist movement, and the rising tide of Muslim population. This predicament could indeed become the most crucial societal and political challenge for Europe throughout the remainder of the 21st century.

This conference is organized to explore the role of religion in Europe nowadays, what kind of changes and transformations will take place with religion in the future, how religion is shaping the future today and how current situations are shifting the role and perspective of religion. The conference will open with a special session on the JRE 2/2010 issue, focused on Orthodox Christianity in post-Soviet Russia, followed by two days of multiple presentations on a variety of conference theme perspectives.

PAPER PROPOSALS: Send to the Conference Officer of the MSSR, Anna B. Yudkina [a.b.yudkina @], by 15 March 2009. Proposals should consist of a title and an abstract in English of up to 250 words providing a clear indication of the paper's thesis, sources and methodology.